Automation - Virtual Workforce

Turbocharge Your Team

With a virtual workforce you can automate a wide range of manual, repetitive time-consuming tasks to transform data quality, increase efficiency, improve compliance and empower your teams to focus on revenue generation elsewhere in the business.

How we can help

How accurate are your MOT date reminders?

Our Virtual MOT Assistant can update your vehicle records to ensure the MOT dates reflect the information held on the DVLA database. It will automatically log into the DVLA database, capture the correct info and then log in to your DMS to update missing or incorrect data accordingly. It can batch fix in bulk and then continue checking records on a daily basis. By checking MOT data in this way, you can ensure your MOT reminder communications are as accurate as possible.
A hand holding a mobile phone showing a text message with an MOT reminder

Get marketing consent data into your DMS

If your email marketing is carried out using a third-party system then our Virtual Consent Assistant will make sure that the email and SMS marketing permissions information held on that system is transferred across to your customer records on the DMS. That way you can be sure your database is up to date and that you are GDPR compliant should a customer submit a subject access request (SAR).
A Gmail inbox displayed on the corner of a laptop screen

Are you making the most of every enquiry?

Our Virtual Closing Assistant can extract overdue or lost sales information and send it securely to any third-party solution (or our own AI Assistant) so you can re-engage with prospective customers and reignite the sales process. Once re-contacted, the Virtual Closing Assistant can receive the resulting data and automatically update your DMS - creating a next action for a restarted sales lead or closing the enquiry / lost sale down if no further action is required.

How accurate is your DMS vehicle data?

Extracted by exception (missing MOT, invoice date or just in bulk), our Virtual Cleansing Assistant will test your vehicle data against the most up-to-date DVLA/DVSA databases. Once tested and returned, our Virtual Cleansing Assistant will then ensure the VRM (Reg No.), Registration Date and MOT expiry date are correct - updating where necessary. If the keeper has changed, it will detach the vehicle from the customer record.

Find and remove all invalid email addresses from your DMS

Every email marketing campaign throws up ‘non-delivered’ or ‘bounced’ email addresses. How much of this important information makes it across DMS? With the help of our Virtual Bounce Assistant you can ensure ALL dead email addresses are removed from your DMS - with no human input.

Are you maximising Teleservices opportunities?

Our Virtual Teleservices Assistant enables BMW retailers to automatically accept teleservices tickets, communicate with customers and book them into the workshop with no human intervention - increasing efficiencies, building customer loyalty and boosting profits.
Vehicle Engine

How it works

We can help you build a team of Virtual Assistants that can be programmed to carry out a wide range of labour-intensive business processes. They use and interact with your computer systems in the same way humans do, so can use any Dealer Management System (DMS) or third-party application.

They have the same digital skills as the rest of your dealership team – they can log in, log out, click buttons, copy, paste, delete and input text. You simply explain the process you need them to follow and they’ll get to work straight away.

Relentlessly efficient
Unlike their human counterparts, our Virtual Assistants never get tired, they never slow down and they will never need a coffee break. If you need them to work 24/7 365 days a year then just say the word.
Our Virtual Assistants always follow the rules you set to the letter - carrying out their task with unrivalled precision. They’re honest too – sending detailed reports so you’ll always know exactly what they’ve done and how long it’s taken.
If you find that one Virtual Assistant isn’t enough then you can scale up quickly and easily without adding to your physical headcount. You can then reduce in exactly the same way to meet changing workloads.
And while your Virtual Assistants are carrying out their tasks, your human team is freed up to focus on what they do best – increasing footfall, improving customer service and driving sales.

“Since adopting the Virtual MOT Assistant over 3300 MOT dates have been automatically updated and our MOT Conversion Rate From Opportunity has increased from 28% to 47%.”

Jonathan Robbins | Group CRM Manager, Dick Lovett

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Not sure where to start?

If you’d like a thorough audit of potential areas for automation in your organisation, then talk to us. We know the automotive sector inside out and are leading the way in successfully deploying this technology to deliver an immediate impact for OEMs, dealer groups and individual motor dealers.

Contact us
Other ways we can help: AI Communications

We can help you use artificial intelligence to engage with customers - automating aspects of your lead generation and marketing activity.

Take a look